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Room with several wooden cuboids mounted on 4 squared timber. Sheets of paper with texts and images are mounted on the cuboids. Inside a wooden frame metal cords are stretched. Sheets of paper with text are clipped to the cord.
People in a room. Looking at wall of photos and sheets of paper fixed on a cuboid. Row of cuboids in the room. Several graphical images and sheets with text are hung up at them. Beside people talking to each other.
Exhibition poster. Two archive photos with partly overlayered title. One photo is crossed out. Information besides the photos.
Cover brochure. Title and Subtitle on blank area. Starting page. Right: Title and text. Left: small photo. Double page. Layout with photos and text. Double page. Layout with photos and text. Double page. Layout with photos and text. Back brochure. Full of handwritten notes.

An exhibition based on archive material from the literary forum Leselampe in Salzburg, which has hosted almost all the greats of German-language literature over the past 50 years.
A truly unsuitable exhibition space and a tight budget required an exhibition architecture that creates its own spatial atmosphere and at the same time costs little to produce. This led to the development of a modular system consisting of separate exhibition units, which provided sufficient space to hang the exhibits and allowed a flexible arrangement in the room. The focus was to manufacture the exhibition inventory as simple as possible.
In addition to the exhibition architecture, a contemporary identity of the exhibition and its accompanying materials had to be designed.

Eine Aus­stellung rund um Archiv­material des Literatur­forums Leselampe in Salzburg, bei dem fast alle Größen der deutsch­sprachigen Literatur in den vergangenen 50 Jahren zu Gast waren.
Ein denkbar ungeeigneter Ausstellungs­raum und ein knappes Budget verlangten nach einer Ausstellungs­architektur, die ihre eigene räumliche Atmos­phäre erschafft und zugleich in der Produktion wenig kostet. Das führte zur Entwicklung eines modulartigen Systems aus einzelnen Ausstellungs­einheiten, die für ausreichend Fläche zur Hängung der Exponate sorgten, und eine flexible Anordnung im Raum erlaubten. Auf eine möglichst einfache Herstellung des Ausstellungs­inventars wurde besonders geachtet.
Neben der Ausstellungs­architektur galt es einen zeitgemäßen Auftritt der Ausstellung und deren Begleit­materialien zu gestalten.

Concept, Design: Gerald Baumgartner
Curators: Xaver Bayer, Hanno Millesi
Coordination: Magdalena Stieb, Barbara Stasta

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