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Cover newspaper. Header with large logo in upper third. Underneath lead photo. In lower third 4 columns with Headlines in various font sizes and block of small text underneath. 1 column has background image. Double page. 2 photos on top of each other stretching horizontally over 2/3. Narrow textbox overlaying both photos. Double page. Left: Large lead photo. Underneath 4 columns of text. Section with large and small photo and block of text at bottom. Right: 4 columns. Title over 2 columns in center. Around small photos and text filling up the entire columns. Double page. Left: Large lead photo over upper half. Underneath title and beside 2 columns of text. Right: Large photo in upper half. Block of text beside photo in lower half. Double page. Left: Title on top over 2 columns. Underneath 2 photos over 4 columns. 3 columns filled with text. illustration at bottom embedded in text. Right: Grid of 2 columnd wide photos. 2 columns of text in 1 grid cell instead photo.

A newspaper relaunch where we changed the whole visual language and turned up the “volume“ by using several news-codes. How can it look like to bring longer stories of urban life and architecture in a newspaper?

Ein Zeitungs­relaunch bei dem wir die Bild­kommuni­kation in Schwung brachten, und mit den viel­fältigen Stil­mitteln an News-Codes die „Laut­stärke“ erhöhten. Wie kann ein breit gefächertes Layout aus­sehen, das Geschichten über das Leben in der Stadt und Archi­tektur­themen ins Format einer Zeitung bringt?

Concept, design: Manfred Veigl, Gerald Baumgartner

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